À nous de jouer !


Sentences in the balloons

1. Several balloons in the room, each with a question written :

Examples :
■ If I could erase a memory, which one would be ?
■ Three things you cannot give up in your life
■ Three qualities
■ A moment you would like to revive
■ Something you’re proud of
■ Someone you’re proud of
■ If you could erase an action you do in the toilet, which would you choose ?
■ If you had a super power, which would be ?
■ What would you take to a desert island ?
■ Which dwarf of snow white better describes you ? (Write the names of the dwarfs)
■ If you would write a book, what would it be about ?
■ If you were invisible for a day, what would you do ?
■ Something that makes you uncomfortable

2. The balloons are spread i the room. Participants should find another participant they don’t know so well, grab a balloon and answer the question, they have 1 min.

1. Several balloons in the room, each with a question written :

Examples :
■ If I could erase a memory, which one would be ?
■ Three things you cannot give up in your life
■ Three qualities
■ A moment you would like to revive
■ Something you’re proud of
■ Someone you’re proud of
■ If you could erase an action you do in the toilet, which would you choose ?
■ If you had a super power, which would be ?
■ What would you take to a desert island ?
■ Which dwarf of snow white better describes you ? (Write the names of the dwarfs)
■ If you would write a book, what would it be about ?
■ If you were invisible for a day, what would you do ?
■ Something that makes you uncomfortable

2. The balloons are spread i the room. Participants should find another participant they don’t know so well, grab a balloon and answer the question, they have 1 min.

A découvrir


Le Gâteau - court métrage

